Changing your mind can be a strength not a weakness!
Let’s talk about changing direction. Changing your mind. Going back on your word.
I had a newsletter. I still have a newsletter I guess, Sarah’s Slice. I started it earlier this year and it was born from a desire to share more than I was able to share in a caption on FB or Instagram. I needed more words at times, more space to explain things and a newsletter felt like the perfect antidote.
I have 50 people signed up to that newsletter and whilst that might not be breaking any records, I’m super proud of that and also very honoured people want to hear more of my rambles. I try and make those newsletters interesting, informative with a decent amount of content that could actually help you.
But you see, I ran into a wee problem. As I am becoming more established in my business, I’m getting busier and the time I used to have set aside to sit and curate Sarah’s Slice is now filled with clients…which is no bad thing. I’m stoked. The problem is that finding the time to write the newsletter is banging up against some of my core values, namely family and downtime. I am having to write it in the evenings when I could be spending time with my husband, or during the weekend instead of playing that game of monopoly with the kids. Or I’m choosing to write it over just relaxing in those rare quiet moments and when I do that it feels like a ‘have to do’, rather than a ‘want to do’.
We are often so scared to change our mind when we have said we are going to do something. It can feel like we have failed or are not true to our word. Sometimes we feel like we have let others down or perhaps we feel a little fickle.
So, in honour of my decision to start a blog and put Sarah’s Slice to bed for now, I thought it only fitting that my first blog post is around why it’s OK to change your mind, not only OK but also a sign of growth, adaptability, and open-mindedness.
Here are some reasons why I think it is hugely beneficial to change your mind:
New Information: As humans, we are constantly learning and evolving. When new information or evidence comes to light, it is natural to reassess our beliefs and opinions. Changing your mind based on new knowledge shows intellectual honesty and a willingness to embrace the truth. When we are open to self-reflection, self-improvement, and the ability to learn from our experiences we can then adapt our actions to reflect our learnings.
Evolving Perspectives: Our beliefs and values can evolve over time as we gain new experiences and insights. Changing your mind can be a result of personal growth, exposure to different perspectives, or a deeper understanding of complex issues. It shows that you are willing to challenge your own assumptions and consider alternative viewpoints.
So, when then should you honour your word? Listen to your gut. You know when you have promised something or made an agreement, and the evidence doesn’t stack up to change that decision. You will get that icky feeling. Be careful not to confuse that feeling with a fear of being in alignment and wanting to people please, be REALLY careful of that.
Changing your mind should be based on thoughtful consideration, of yourself and others and a genuine desire to seek truth and growth. Honouring your word is important and a fundamental aspect of integrity, trustworthiness, and accountability but it is totally OK to change your mind when you have valid reasons and new insights that support your decision. That, I salute!